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Consultation is open for proposed changes to Balderton Street, Great Titchfield Street, and Hanway Street / Rathbone Place / Rathbone Street

The following consultations will be open through 30th August on Commonplace.

Balderton Street

At Balderton Street, the OSP team proposes to change traffic flow to one-way, southbound only between North Row and Brown Hart Gardens.

The proposal is part of the Oxford Street scheme which aims to enhance the public realm along the street while improving safety, accessibility and comfort for all. This traffic change will have no impact on the number of parking bays in the area, but restrict access to some bays to southbound moving vehicles only. Overall, the scheme will have very limited impact on through traffic, although it does aim to reduce confusion on Balderton Street which currently provides a constrained cul-de-sac for northbound vehicles to turn around as North Row is already a one-way street.

Great Titchfield Street

The Oxford Street Programme is seeking your feedback on the proposed changes to Great Titchfield Street aimed to enhance and improve the pedestrian experience on the street.

The proposed changes, developed in collaboration with FitzWest Neighbourhood Forum, include the installation of bollards across the carriageway just south of the Foley Street/ Langham Street junction, stopping access for vehicles while allowing access for cycles. and the conversion of the section of the street between the Foley Street/ Langham Street junction to Riding House Street to two-way traffic.

Hanway Place / Rathbone Street / Rathbone Place

In collaboration with Camden Council, the Oxford Street Programme team proposes traffic changes to Rathbone Street, Rathbone Place, Hanway Street and Hanway Place that will enable traffic and public realm improvements to Oxford Street.

The proposal includes:
• Reverse motor traffic to northbound only on Rathbone Place,
• Reverse motor traffic to southbound only on Rathbone Street,
• Maintain permissions for cycling in both directions on both Rathbone Place and Rathbone Street,
• Extend restrictions on vehicle access from Oxford Street onto Hanway Street,
• Reverse traffic flow on Hanway Place to maintain 24/7 vehicle access to this street and Hanway Street.

Posted on 15th July 2024

by Oxford Street Programme Team

Oxford Street Programme Business Case Approved

In September 2023, Westminster City Council Cabinet approved a full business case for the Oxford Street and Oxford Circus projects. View the Business Case and the Appendices.  

Posted on 9th May 2024

by Oxford Street Programme Team

Read our Equality Impact Assessment

An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) was undertaken as part of the scheme. The EqIA is a process designed to ensure that a policy, project, or scheme does not unlawfully discriminate against any protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010. The EqIA is considered as a ‘live’ document, meaning that it has been updated at different stages of the scheme lifecycle. Read the Assessment here.  

Posted on 9th May 2024

by Oxford Street Programme Team

Work commences for Marylebone/ Fitzrovia scheme

Works on Mortimer Street started in March. These works will extend from Regent Street to Great Titchfield Street in the east. Works on Wigmore Street will commence 11 March and extend west from Regent Street to the junction with Wimpole Street. All works are expected to be completed in early 2025. Read more about the works here.  

Construction will take place during the hours of 08:00 - 18:00, Monday - Friday, and 08:00 - midday on Saturdays (when necessary). 

Various local traffic lane restrictions and closures / diversions will be required for the duration of the project to facilitate the new traffic signal infrastructure and associated utility diversionary works. 

The Murphy Careys Joint Venture (MCJV) is undertaking these works on behalf of Westminster City Council. Should you require further information on the works taking place or the traffic and parking changes, you can contact the team via email at stakeholderteam@murphycareyjv.co.uk. 

Posted on 9th May 2024

by Oxford Street Programme Team