
Great Titchfield Street Consultation


Great Titchfield Street Consultation

The Oxford Street Programme has developed a new proposed design for Great Titchfield Street (between the junctions with Foley Street / Langham Street and Riding House Street).  

In Summer 2023, the public had their say on proposals for the Oxford Street Programme. Since, the Programme team has collated, analysed and in some cases revised our designs within the Programme area. 

Feedback received in relation to Great Titchfield Street, expressed a desire to maintain its status as a low traffic street and improve the pedestrian way. Following discussions with neighbourhood groups such as Fitzwest Neighbourhood Forum, the OSP team developed an intervention to mitigate traffic in the area and help to enhance the pedestrian experience within the popular restaurant district. 

The OSP team proposes to:  

  • Install bollards immediately south of the junction with Foley Street and Langham Street to maintain pedestrian and cycle movement while preventing motor traffic to pass through;  

  • Convert the section of Great Titchfield Street south of the bollards (between Foley Street and Riding House Street) to two-way operation to allow for vehicle access to that part of the street. 

These small interventions will reduce the volume of vehicles heading north. Instead, vehicles will use a range of other routes, reducing the through traffic on Great Titchfield Street and creating an enhanced pedestrian environment. 

Proposed changes

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
